25 March, 2012

Global March to Jerusalem

(Written by Donna Wasson)
Come on everybody, pack a picnic lunch, grab your honey and don’t forget the sunscreen ‘cause ya’ll are invited to participate in the Global March to Jerusalem, to be held on March 30th! This event hopes to draw at least 1 million Arabs and their supporters to march on and attempt to infiltrate Israel’s borders, as well as demand freedom for Palestine and its capital, Jerusalem. What a party it promises to be!
Organized on the sly by Iran and approved by its supreme leader, the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, this fun filled event is being presented as part of a new strategy designed to increase regional unity against the ‘Zionist occupation of Jerusalem’, and is based on the ‘Resistance Axis’, made up of Syria and various terrorists organizations, used as proxies by Iran. Apparently Iran is too shy to support this publically.