(From midnightcall.com)
The change of government in Australia was a surprise to many. The position of Labourite Kevin Rudd, who headed the office three years ago, was considered fairly strong. During his time in office the Green Continent managed to avoid the influence of the global economic crisis which seemed to have affected everyone.
Rudd was failed by the ecological issue. In February of this year he refused to consider the bill suggesting introduction of quotas on the emission of greenhouse gases for large enterprises.
Australia, like the U.S., after signing the Kyoto Protocol decided not to undertake the reduction of harmful emissions into the atmosphere and the introduction of national quotas for greenhouse gases until 2013. The government was under the assumption that the country should fight against global warming not by reduction of emissions, but through the introduction of new environmentally friendly technologies.
Yet, many citizens were not happy with the fact that the administration followed the example of the Americans. The ruling Labour Party gave life to the bill, which still imposed quotas on emissions. When Prime Minister Rudd refused to support it, many of his colleagues saw it as an act of political cowardice.
In addition to environmental issues and tax on mining companies, the electorate had another problem with Rudd, this time regarding foreign policy issues. Polls showed that over 60 percent of Australians wanted an expedited withdrawal of their troops from Afghanistan, counting 1.5 thousand people. However, the Government has made it clear that this process could take anywhere from two to four years, until the Australian military fulfilled its mission of proper training of Afghan soldiers.
On June 24, the parliamentary faction held an election of its new leader. Rudd, realizing he had lost the confidence and support of his colleagues, chose not to nominate himself. Therefore Gillard won without struggle. Now she will lead the country for at least six months (before the election).
This was a landmark event. Not only because Gillard is the first female prime minister. She is the first Prime Minister of Australia born outside of the country. Julia was born in Wales, but at the age of five she immigrated to the green continent with her parents.
Until now, Australia fully supported the U.S. policy. It supported the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, and refused to fight global warming through the introduction of emissions quotas. Polls showed the majority of citizens do not support this course. And now the first female prime minister will have to choose between continuing the course of Washington support that had proven successful over the years, and listening to the opinion of her fellow citizens.
-pravda.ru 25 June 2010
Australia’s first female Prime Minister has come into power by carefully analysing not only the opinion of the population of Australia, but world opinions. War, as is evident, is no longer a unifying force, but rather a dividing issue. Besides, military action cannot achieve the desired goals; thus, the solidifying substance is global economy, and more precisely, a higher standard of living for all countries concerned. Australia, as virtually all other successful nations except the United States, practices social-capitalism. Now that China is increasingly favouring social capitalism, the world is growing together into a more unified force. When the majority of nations have achieved that standard, then no nation will dare to oppose, thus preparing for the way of him whom the Bible calls Antichrist. We read in Revelation 13:3: “And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.”
*FOR I AM BORN AGAIN...**I AM BORN TO WIN...* What kind of love is this
Lord which you have given to me ? You broke the chains of misery that bound
9 years ago
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